Konstantinos (Kokos) Kogkalidis
University of Bologna
Aalto University
I am Kokos [he/him]. I enjoy (occasionally) thinking, reading, and talking about stuff at the intersection of formal logic, linguistics, and machine learning. This website tracks and presents (some of) my work.
On my day to day, I am a post-doctoral researcher at Aalto University, where I do neurosymbolic machine learning. Beginning in September 2024, I will be visiting the University of Bologna for a few months.
Before moving to Helsinki, I was located in Utrecht. I received my PhD (CompLing) and my master's degree (AI) from Utrecht University. While in Utrecht, I was also working as a machine learning engineer for geekbot. Before all that, I received my diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
A longer version of the above can be found at my CV.
My published research revolves around structured machine learning, neurosymbolic reasoning, and type-driven approaches to syntactic parsing and semantic compositionality, among other things.
I am especially interested in the interface between formal and data-driven methods;
if that floats your boat rubber duck, you can have a look at my publications page.
My latest output is "Nominal Class Assignment in Swahili: A Computational Account" (CliC-it-2024, October 2024).
My dissertation is titled "Dependency as Modality, Parsing as Permutation: A Neurosymbolic Perspective on Categorial Grammars". It advocates for the use of modalities as dependency annotations in type-logical grammars, and explores the parsing-as-deduction paradigm from a contemporary neurosymbolic perspective.
People thought it was good: it is one of the two recipients of the 2024 E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize. You can find a faithful copy of the physical print here. If (for whatever reason) you're interested in an actual physical copy, feel free to send me a message.
Here's a list of my recent and upcoming talks (more here):
I am not currently teaching. Previously, I participated in various capacities in the following courses: