Photo of a rubber duck

Konstantinos (Kokos) Kogkalidis

Visiting Researcher
University of Bologna
Postdoctoral Researcher
Aalto University


I am Kokos [he/him]. I enjoy (occasionally) thinking, reading, and talking about stuff at the intersection of mathematical logic, linguistics, and machine learning. This website tracks and presents (some of) my work.

Whereabouts / Short CV

On my day to day, I am a post-doctoral researcher at Aalto University, where I do neurosymbolic machine learning. Starting from September 2024, I will visiting the University of Bologna for a few months.

Before moving to Helsinki, I was located in Utrecht. I received my PhD (CompLing) and my master's degree (AI) from Utrecht University. Before all that, I received a diploma in Electrical & Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

A longer version of the above can be found at my CV.


My published research revolves around structured representation learning, neurosymbolic reasoning, and type-driven approaches to syntactic parsing and semantic compositionality. I am especially interested in the interface between formal and data-driven methods; if that floats your boat rubber duck, you can have a look at my publications page.

My latest output is "Nominal Class Assignment in Swahili: A Computational Account" (CliC-it-2024, October 2024).


My dissertation is titled "Dependency as Modality, Parsing as Permutation: A Neurosymbolic Perspective on Categorial Grammars". It advocates for the use of modalities as dependency annotations in type-logical grammars, and explores the parsing-as-deduction paradigm from a contemporary neurosymbolic perspective.

People thought it was good: it is one of the two recipients of the 2024 E. W. Beth Dissertation Prize. You can find a faithful copy of the physical print here. If (for whatever reason) you're interested in an actual physical copy, feel free to send me a message.

Recent & Upcoming Talks

Here's a list of my recent and upcoming talks (more here):


I am not currently teaching. Previously, I participated in various capacities in the following courses: